Wednesday, April 13, 2011

George Michael has a song to Kate and William

Such is life in the land of lamb with mint. A princely marriage in sight and everyone, or almost take this passion to make a communications plan to the eye. George Michael has understood since the interpreter so gay "Faith", sometimes better known for his escapades with alcohol, is currently not invited to the wedding ...

Forgetfulness or recommendation of the future king? A little bitterness unit to George Will, in fact, the singer refused to sing for a privileged few at a party given at Kensington, in the presence of the young prince who was 8 years old at the time and a little more hair. Nothing too serious for George Michael, not resentful for 2 pounds, said recently on Twitter that "this song is very beautiful and was written in the 70s by a musical genius." A clue? "The title song begins with You." The goal is that this song reaches the ears of lovers of course.

Just have to wait for the official announcement. In any case for George Michael timing is the hair: Twitter announcement followed clues dropper, the singer suffering from some mild notoriety to find how to get back on the front of the media spotlight for a few days. Anyway his friend Elton John or Victoria Beckham - size 32, ex Spice Girls - will sing the musical air, since they ...

are invited.

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