Friday, April 15, 2011

The Osbourne paid his debt to the U.S. Treasury

A week later the announcement by the American Tax debt of one million seven hundred thousand dollars, which were outstanding Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne, the couple has religiously paid the amount due but there are still unresolved fringes around this nonsense. The IRS has undertaken to publish both the debt, which had dragged on since 2008 and 2009, and the embargo that had been carried out on one of the houses of the couple.

Sharon Osbourne has said that the payment has been made but that still does not understand why first seized one house and then gave him the chance to pay. "Last Friday, about four in the afternoon, I called our publisher to tell us that one of our houses were repossessed. I contacted my lawyer and said I was not aware of any embargo.

We paid the debt but now we know why we are filled without our knowledge and how it has come to publish it in the media. " "I hope none of this influence on the morale of Ozzy or mine," said the manager of the artist. In its favor should be noted that the debt paid, which is something. Against the U.S.

Treasury itself would comment that for selling a story is not better job. Hopefully not be repeated.

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