The 23rd installment of the adventures of James Bond film is scheduled for November 2012 and is beginning to have details of the cast of the film. This will be the third James Bond played by British actor Daniel Craig. Such information from the Daily Mail, we know that Ralph Fiennes is expected to join the shoot.
The actor is currently on show at the last part of Harry Potter in which he plays Lord Voldemort. It is still unclear the role it will endorse in James Bond, but his performance in the big bad Harry Potter was so convinced that he give back a part of that caliber should not be a problem.
According to the Daily Mail, he played a character "dark and complex." Also added to the cast, Javier Bardem who was approached to act as the enemy of Bond in this film. The Daily Mail also talks about Naomi Harris to play as Miss Moneypenny, one of the iconic characters of the saga. The actress who had been seen as the main character in 28 days and the second part of the tetralogy Pirates of the Caribbean will join the saga, not in the role of James Bond Girl, but in that of the assistant M, the boss of James Bond.
Much speculation and rumors about the upcoming adaptation of the cult series at the moment, but the film was not released until 2012, there was plenty of time to learn more in the coming months.
The actor is currently on show at the last part of Harry Potter in which he plays Lord Voldemort. It is still unclear the role it will endorse in James Bond, but his performance in the big bad Harry Potter was so convinced that he give back a part of that caliber should not be a problem.
According to the Daily Mail, he played a character "dark and complex." Also added to the cast, Javier Bardem who was approached to act as the enemy of Bond in this film. The Daily Mail also talks about Naomi Harris to play as Miss Moneypenny, one of the iconic characters of the saga. The actress who had been seen as the main character in 28 days and the second part of the tetralogy Pirates of the Caribbean will join the saga, not in the role of James Bond Girl, but in that of the assistant M, the boss of James Bond.
Much speculation and rumors about the upcoming adaptation of the cult series at the moment, but the film was not released until 2012, there was plenty of time to learn more in the coming months.
- YES! Naomie Harris' Role Revealed In Bond 23 Revealed! Javier Bardem AND Ralph Fiennes Confirmed! (09/07/2011)
- Have Javier Bardem and Ralph Fiennes Joined Bond 23? (09/07/2011)
- Naomie Harris to Play Moneypenny in BOND 23; Javier Bardem Confirmed to Co-Star (08/07/2011)
- Film: Newswire: Back-on-track James Bond film picks up Bardem, Fiennes, and maybe a Moneypenny (08/07/2011)
- Naomie Harris To Play Miss MoneyPenny in James Bond 23? (08/07/2011)
Naomie Harris (rottentomatoes) Naomie Harris (answerscom) Naomie Harris (myspace) Naomie Harris (wikipedia) Naomie Harris (imdb) Javier Bardem (rottentomatoes) Javier Bardem (myspace) Javier Bardem (wikipedia) Javier Bardem (imdb) Ralph Fiennes (rottentomatoes) Ralph Fiennes (myspace) Ralph Fiennes (lastfm) Ralph Fiennes (musicbrainz) Ralph Fiennes (wikipedia) Ralph Fiennes (imdb) James Bond (wikipedia)
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