Give me again a few minutes discussing the latest local information about the accident, the program reported that the clinical status of Ortega Cano is "critical" and its prognosis "very serious", according to the latest medical report issued by the Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena of Seville. The reporter for the program was that the center was his son, Amador Mohedano and Rocío Carrasco y Fidel Albiac are directed towards.
The matador is being operated on for a second time following the accident he suffered on Saturday on the 23.15 hours in the dying on the spot a 48 year old man riding in a passenger car, while the "Mercedes- XR "Rocío Jurado's widower was shattered. In the collision was seen involved a third vehicle whose occupant was unharmed.
"The situation is very delicate, but the latest operating room on foot is that life support," said a source close to the family. "We are very concerned. Now we are operating again because it seems complicated it becomes a problem of internal bleeding that was initially thought that it was controlled.
But at some point someone has left the operating room told us that everything is going well, "he claimed. Ortega Cano suffered multiple fractures, the most serious of the femur, but what most concerns doctors is bleeding and for this they are making blood transfusions. At first he thought it was just bruising and fractures, but everything was complicated by bleeding.
The incident took place at Kilometer 28 of the A-8006, which connects Seville with Seville town of Castilblanco de los Arroyos, the collision between two vehicles when Ortega Cano, who was traveling alone and the latest information to a higher speed than allowed. 

The matador is being operated on for a second time following the accident he suffered on Saturday on the 23.15 hours in the dying on the spot a 48 year old man riding in a passenger car, while the "Mercedes- XR "Rocío Jurado's widower was shattered. In the collision was seen involved a third vehicle whose occupant was unharmed.
"The situation is very delicate, but the latest operating room on foot is that life support," said a source close to the family. "We are very concerned. Now we are operating again because it seems complicated it becomes a problem of internal bleeding that was initially thought that it was controlled.
But at some point someone has left the operating room told us that everything is going well, "he claimed. Ortega Cano suffered multiple fractures, the most serious of the femur, but what most concerns doctors is bleeding and for this they are making blood transfusions. At first he thought it was just bruising and fractures, but everything was complicated by bleeding.
The incident took place at Kilometer 28 of the A-8006, which connects Seville with Seville town of Castilblanco de los Arroyos, the collision between two vehicles when Ortega Cano, who was traveling alone and the latest information to a higher speed than allowed.

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