Monday, May 30, 2011

Selena Gomez, again threatened with death by the fans of Justin Bieber

After images of the passion that exuded Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber on vacation in Hawaii, where they stopped lavishing kisses, caresses and demonstrations of love, some Canadian fans have again threatened to kill his girlfriend. Messages can not be as clear and concise: "I'm gonna kill ya" ("I'll kill you").

Selena Gomez, 18, is the victim of a hate campaign of the fruit of the zealous followers of the singer, 17. "Stay away from Justin pedophile" ("Stay away from Justin, pedophile"), wrote another of his fans on his Twitter account. Other messages were in the same way stating that they would kill him while he was sleeping.

They also claim that "Selena Gomez is dangerously near a long, slow and painful death." Some words that would scare anyone. Twitter and Facebook are filled with such messages. A comment on Facebook that said: "I hate Selena Gomez because she is dating my boy," has received over 2,000 comments.

"Selena just wants his fame", say other comments. For fans of Justin Bieber have never liked the singer and actress, star of Wizards of Waverly Place, but the photos kissing, hugging, touching, holding his hand and waist in Maui, Hawaii have made the wick cast forth hatred burning. Justin's success was forged on YouTube and is one of the most influential people on Twitter by its millions of followers.

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