Friday, May 6, 2011

Jonathan Rhys Meyers returns to rehab

We discovered the beautiful Jonathan Rhys Meyers, his gray eyes, his face mystery in Woody Allen's Match Point, in fine climber alongside Scarlet Johansson. Since then, he has become known as a king in the series The Tudors as the face of Hugo Boss. At 33, he just spent 10 days in hospital to treat his alccolique.

According to the Daily Mail, that would be his fourth treatment. In fact, his convictions for drunkenness are many, including airports in New York, Dublin or Paris. Patient was allegedly seen drinking vodka at 7 am in the VIP area of JFK, the personal insult when he was denied boarding because of his condition, he is also banned from flying on certain airlines .

Another sign of his decline, his replacement by Jared Leto as qu'égérie Hugo Boss. "You're going to cure, or I'm leaving" respondent would have his girlfriend Reena Hammer, artistic director of a cosmetics company with whom he released since 2004. The actor has spent 10 days in hospital last month, a care order to shoot.

In fact, Jonathan Rhys Meyers does not hide his alcoholism and even recounted: "When I drink, I act like I was a boy of 16 years." The important projects for the actor is to continue to have projects, gold is the case since it has finished shooting of Albert Nobbs which he plays the eponymous hero from Mia Wasikowska (Alice in Wonderland Tim Burton) from a screenplay by Glenn Close.

Most importantly, it will be the magnificent Solal, heroes Belle du Seigneur by Albert Cohen's novel with an Ariane Auble played by supermodel Natalia Vodianova.

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