Sway of more than sensual, erotic postures, naked bodies at any time of day and night ... It was felt that the music channels, such images had an authorization to broadcast any special schedule. But no, the CSA does not consider that everyone must remove his cherubs from the small screen to avoid getting their nose to nose with videos that would qualify as Antoinette granny porn without hesitation! The CSA works! Until now, the chains have seen fit to broadcast clips of Enrique IglesiasTonight (I'm F *** ing you) and Rihanna & M during the day, without even the word "prohibited under 10 ".
Now it is no longer possible: "In the application of Article 4 of the recommendation of June 7, 2005 on the identification and classification of youth programs, the Council requested the music channels broadcast (...) the music video [with explicit sexual connotations] after 22 hours. " In fact, as their name suggests S & M Tonight (I "m F *** ing you) do have a quite explicit content.
In the first, Rihanna proves to be quite clear about the pleasure she takes sadomasochism with instuments of torture to support Enrique while having fun with several girls inflamed. The parts of legs in the air for Rihanna and Enrique Iglesias will be visible only at night! 

Now it is no longer possible: "In the application of Article 4 of the recommendation of June 7, 2005 on the identification and classification of youth programs, the Council requested the music channels broadcast (...) the music video [with explicit sexual connotations] after 22 hours. " In fact, as their name suggests S & M Tonight (I "m F *** ing you) do have a quite explicit content.
In the first, Rihanna proves to be quite clear about the pleasure she takes sadomasochism with instuments of torture to support Enrique while having fun with several girls inflamed. The parts of legs in the air for Rihanna and Enrique Iglesias will be visible only at night!

- Enrique Iglesias Totally Looks Like Pepe from "The Simpsons" (09/04/2011)
- Enrique Iglesias, Shakira Latin Billboard winners (29/04/2011)
- No Room For Enrique Iglesias And His Ego (30/03/2011)
- Enrique Iglesias -- A Spearsless Performance (03/04/2011)
- Enrique Iglesias will NOT tour with Britney Spears (30/03/2011)
Enrique Iglesias (myspace)  Enrique Iglesias (homepage)  Enrique Iglesias (lastfm)  Enrique Iglesias (musicbrainz)  Enrique Iglesias (wikipedia)  Enrique Iglesias (imdb)  Enrique Iglesias (youtube)  France (lonelyplanet)  France (geolocation)  France (wikipedia)  
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