Jennifer Aniston, who was the guest of the morning show Good Morning America yesterday (June 27), said he was very pleased with his personal life today. Asked about his private life, the actress visibly flourished, said: "Yes, I am very happy. I am extremely lucky and I am extremely happy. "The former star of" Friends "has not directly discussed his relationship with actor Justin Theroux, but no doubt that this ambiguous statement, means one thing ...
Jennifer Aniston is thrilled with her new love! The two stars have been dating for almost two months and have not hesitated to appear several times in public! Justin Theroux, recently separated from his girlfriend Heidi Bivens designer with whom he had for 14 years, already live under the same roof as Jennifer Aniston in Los Angeles.
However, the two actors said they have a relationship strictly friendly. Jennifer Aniston's representative has also categorically denied any romantic relationship between the actress and Justin Theroux. But everything goes very fast with our dear peoples! Love at first sight or publicity stunt for Justin Theroux, which some media, would be lack of recognition? The future will tell ... but Jennifer Aniston really seems to have fallen in love with the actor and believe in this relationship!

Jennifer Aniston is thrilled with her new love! The two stars have been dating for almost two months and have not hesitated to appear several times in public! Justin Theroux, recently separated from his girlfriend Heidi Bivens designer with whom he had for 14 years, already live under the same roof as Jennifer Aniston in Los Angeles.
However, the two actors said they have a relationship strictly friendly. Jennifer Aniston's representative has also categorically denied any romantic relationship between the actress and Justin Theroux. But everything goes very fast with our dear peoples! Love at first sight or publicity stunt for Justin Theroux, which some media, would be lack of recognition? The future will tell ... but Jennifer Aniston really seems to have fallen in love with the actor and believe in this relationship!

- Jennifer Aniston's New Tattoo Says ... (27/06/2011)
- Jennifer Aniston Makes Another Stylish Appearance in NYC (27/06/2011)
- Video: Jennifer Aniston Is "Extremely Lucky and Extremely Happy" With New Love Justin! (27/06/2011)
- Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux Stay Attached For Another NY Weekend (27/06/2011)
- Jennifer Aniston Sheer-ly Shows It All Off (Photo) (26/06/2011)
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