Notwithstanding the (evil?) Boards of its coach and Rachel Zoe to take a little weight as possible in pregnancy and hide her big belly under clothing perfectly selected, Victoria Beckham does not support more. The eternal rickety, which is huge as to be compared to a whale, took extreme measures to save what they see as a vision of horror to her husband.
Leaving the marriage bed, and David Beckham leaving the freedom of snoring and watch games until all hours, she moved into their spare room and now sleeps with their French bulldog, Scarlet. According to one close to the couple: "She treats her dog as if it were her child, awaiting the arrival of the baby.
"Speakers of a fourth toddler, and especially of his first daughter, Vic would almost looks serene and happy from the future father, who enjoys seeing the effect of the animal on his wife. If Santa's name had not been approached about her little girl, you bet that Victoria Beckham would have liked called Scarlet.
Unless it is called Eva, in honor of its patron Eva Longoria? Response within a few days!

Leaving the marriage bed, and David Beckham leaving the freedom of snoring and watch games until all hours, she moved into their spare room and now sleeps with their French bulldog, Scarlet. According to one close to the couple: "She treats her dog as if it were her child, awaiting the arrival of the baby.
"Speakers of a fourth toddler, and especially of his first daughter, Vic would almost looks serene and happy from the future father, who enjoys seeing the effect of the animal on his wife. If Santa's name had not been approached about her little girl, you bet that Victoria Beckham would have liked called Scarlet.
Unless it is called Eva, in honor of its patron Eva Longoria? Response within a few days!

- The 9 0'Clock News - Victoria Beckham converts her gym to a new nursery (28/06/2011)
- David and Victoria Beckham Rev Up Their Weekend at the Movies With Their Boys (19/06/2011)
- David Beckham Hits the Sidelines to Support Brooklyn's Soccer (24/06/2011)
- Victoria Beckham Celebrates Another Successful Fashion Week (14/02/2011)
- Victoria Beckham Hits NYC With a Picture of Shirtless David! (09/02/2011)
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