Thursday, May 26, 2011

Brad Pitt admits to having made mistakes with his kids

Asked at the premiere California Tree of Life - which received the Palme d'Or at Cannes - the actor explained that yes, he did what he could with his six urchins, but no was not infallible: "It's not that I am a horrible father, but I certainly made mistakes that had to be corrected," he told People magazine, and continues: "I don ' Students certainly not my children the same way that my character.

I am painfully aware that my actions leave an indelible mark on them, especially during these formidable years. So I made sure to bring my troubles home. "Statements ultimately very different from those that would be a bad father. Especially when it says, concluding that it wishes to teach them to be themselves: "I just want to follow their bliss, no matter what makes them happy.

"Like what, even when he says he made mistakes, Brad Pittarrive to soften us ...

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