The Young and the Restless, soap aired since 1973 in the United States, a real dinosaur in the world of TV sets with actors for decades and whose faces are familiar to viewers. This is the case for Melody Thomas Scott, aka Nikki, one of the iconic characters as it embodies the wife of Victor Newman since 1979.
But a rumor shook the casting: according to the website of Star TV, Melody Thomas Scott was fired from the series. On his Twitter account, the American star said he was not warned that this was his last day of shooting and learned only after his dismissal: "Nobody told me it was my last scene, my last day, episode, no matter how you name it.
" Melody Thomas Scott then leave the soap after no less than 32 years. The actress played the iconic role of Nikki, the wife of Victor Newman. What will become of the series without the blonde hair and piercing eyes of Nikki?
But a rumor shook the casting: according to the website of Star TV, Melody Thomas Scott was fired from the series. On his Twitter account, the American star said he was not warned that this was his last day of shooting and learned only after his dismissal: "Nobody told me it was my last scene, my last day, episode, no matter how you name it.
" Melody Thomas Scott then leave the soap after no less than 32 years. The actress played the iconic role of Nikki, the wife of Victor Newman. What will become of the series without the blonde hair and piercing eyes of Nikki?
- The Young and the Restless: Nikki Gets Written Off, But Melody Thomas Scott Will Stay (08/07/2009)
- Today's News: Our Take - Y&R's Melody Thomas Scott Talks Nikki's New Low and Another Emmy Snub (16/03/2011)
- Y&R's Melody Thomas Scott Talks Nikki's New Low and Another Emmy Snub (16/03/2011)
- Les News, 041811 (18/04/2011)
- Being Victor Newman (04/05/2011)
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