Saturday, April 9, 2011

Rafa Mora tries to redeem in Deluxe Box

Tronista and former suitor of Women and Men and vice versa, Rafa Mora yesterday faced his Box Deluxe. A space that could be seen mourn and mourn the hard Castellon that this "experiment" did banish the image of hard, violent and secretive. We could witness the lack of affection he felt the former contestant of Survivor by his father, whom he admires and who have always given everything to his sister, his mother and him, but he never says "I love you" .

Also saw him excited, remembering the death of his uncle and his cousin's call for support. This cousin, attractive middle-aged fireman unleashed madness among the females of the set since his picture appeared on the screen. Lydia Lozano stopped fanning since I saw it and completely lost the thread of the box.

Rafa admitted he was wrong in many of their behaviors on television, but reaffirmed in his words about Beatriz Trapp and their customs in survivors. He explained that it was a demand for 90,000 euros and that it had not been withdrawn, despite his apologies. Nothing was mentioned about his altercation and fight in a nightclub or on the alleged ill-treatment of his former partner Silvana de Hoyos.

In The Box where they were most abundant tears, also had some words for his partner Rachel, who came with more than a year of space submitted by Emma Garcia, which said he was very much in love, and considered the woman in his life. The perception that I had this "experiment" is that Rafa Mora is still the usual and seems to have thought much about his role as "left" and cocky air that make repel people.

No one can deny that is their label to be on television, but were otherwise would be in Castellón working on something else.

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