Cecilia is 37 years. The day Mother's Day, he was found wounded, bruised and disfigured. "Attacked by his rottweiler" she pretend to wake up. Cecilia does not tell, unveil a night of orgy, a dirty night tour went wrong one night when his body was abused, not only against her will. This is a moment that the young woman delivered her body to a physical decay, which corresponds to that of his mind.
The death of another woman offered him a new face; Cecile believes a new chance, a possible new love, new life. Maybe. Macabre, cloudy, dark ... Thomas Chagnaud continues in the vein of a thriller after Assassin, The Other is his second novel. On the journey of a broken woman, a sharp decline, the writer shows a terrible lucidity, to give you chills throughout reading a novel with emotionally charged themes.
Thomas More is known about its emission Chagnaud 50 minutes inside, just have to find another talent of this writer to pen bleak ... 

The death of another woman offered him a new face; Cecile believes a new chance, a possible new love, new life. Maybe. Macabre, cloudy, dark ... Thomas Chagnaud continues in the vein of a thriller after Assassin, The Other is his second novel. On the journey of a broken woman, a sharp decline, the writer shows a terrible lucidity, to give you chills throughout reading a novel with emotionally charged themes.
Thomas More is known about its emission Chagnaud 50 minutes inside, just have to find another talent of this writer to pen bleak ...

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