It premiered the video of singer Katy Perry stars alongside rapper Kanye West and with it came the controversy as the singer repeats or rather is inspired not to say that copies of the very Lady Gaga as it recreates a alien species. Katy Perry in the video belongs to their fourth single from the album 'Dream Teeneage' interpreted 'E.
T 'to an alien who travels in space, landing on a flat surface and comes alive when a robot gives you a kiss. With the skin completely white, her hair braided and colored contact lenses, looks great rapper. The controversy comes in many see some similarities with the music video "Born this way 'of Gaga.
Very futuristic, outer and aesthetic makeup like what they share two videos and tracks where the singer has said he is very interested. Copied the inspiration or not, this video directed by Floria Sigismondi, the reality is that the issue has gotten Perry into the history of music because of its position in the top of the Billboard list, something that does not get any .
Since the singer has managed to cram four themes of one album in the list and they all have achieved the number 1, 'California Gurls', 'Teenage Dream' and 'Firework'. Therefore grateful to Katy said: "I want to thank all the fans who have contributed to this amazing achievement, which has been essential to my life.
I really appreciate your support in every moment of my career. "
T 'to an alien who travels in space, landing on a flat surface and comes alive when a robot gives you a kiss. With the skin completely white, her hair braided and colored contact lenses, looks great rapper. The controversy comes in many see some similarities with the music video "Born this way 'of Gaga.
Very futuristic, outer and aesthetic makeup like what they share two videos and tracks where the singer has said he is very interested. Copied the inspiration or not, this video directed by Floria Sigismondi, the reality is that the issue has gotten Perry into the history of music because of its position in the top of the Billboard list, something that does not get any .
Since the singer has managed to cram four themes of one album in the list and they all have achieved the number 1, 'California Gurls', 'Teenage Dream' and 'Firework'. Therefore grateful to Katy said: "I want to thank all the fans who have contributed to this amazing achievement, which has been essential to my life.
I really appreciate your support in every moment of my career. "
- Katy Perry and Kanye West Take Us to the Stars in 'E.T.' Video (01/04/2011)
- Katy Perry Channels Lady Gaga For "E.T." (31/03/2011)
- Katy Perry Is Out Of This World In 'E.T.' Video (31/03/2011)
- Katy Perry & Kanye West Are Out Of This World In E.T. Video (31/03/2011)
- Watch Katy Perry's New Music Video For E.T. (31/03/2011)
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