Since Lizzie McGuire, Hilary Duff is all grown up and became a real woman, as she tells the magazine Grazia. Since her marriage, the latter tries to fulfill her role as wife perfectly, especially when she visits her man. "I do not live in the same city as my husband. I feel useful when I go see, when I do his laundry and shopping, all these things he does not himself, "she says.
And to the flame, the beautiful actress found a surefire way: send photos, naughty! An interview during which she also refers to his foibles and phobias: "I do not shake hands, you imagine all the germs that are spread! In France it worse, you kiss on the cheek! "She continues:" I also hate having to go to the bathroom in public.
When I'm at a restaurant, I am always followed by people who want to take my picture. I feel like say, "Hey, it amuses you to hear me pee?" "The life of a star, it really is not always rosy! 

And to the flame, the beautiful actress found a surefire way: send photos, naughty! An interview during which she also refers to his foibles and phobias: "I do not shake hands, you imagine all the germs that are spread! In France it worse, you kiss on the cheek! "She continues:" I also hate having to go to the bathroom in public.
When I'm at a restaurant, I am always followed by people who want to take my picture. I feel like say, "Hey, it amuses you to hear me pee?" "The life of a star, it really is not always rosy!

- Hilary Duff Thought Her Huge Engagement Ring Was Fake! (16/11/2010)
- Parting Tweet: Hilary Duff Is Not Pregnant, Says Hilary Duff (19/01/2011)
- Hilary Duff: Six Hour Salon Visit (17/02/2011)
- "Hilary Duff Almost Arrested in Paris" and related posts (05/02/2011)
- Hilary Duff: 'Elixir' Signing in Paris! (03/02/2011)
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