Any one of the most curious news that comes from the hand of teen idol Justin Bieber, which mentioned in the impact it has had to cut the bangs-curtain so characteristic of the singer, and has not sat well with a group wide of his followers, although it was for a good cause to donate to the association Peta and which has come to pay for a lock to $ 6750.
Something that is putting into question again by music experts. The phenomenon Bieber focuses more public appearances than his music, as well as the huge entourage of followers, who are able to threaten anyone Reche his idol. Because one thing is to follow a singer because I like their music and quite another to continue with their image or their comings and goings as a phenomenon that no juvenile is in any doubt, but also has its dark side of money, what goes up tends to drop quickly to the same extent.
Bieber has lost since he cut his hair, some 80,000 fans on twitter and the number keeps rising. The Canadian share popularity in social networks with Lady Gaga is unbeatable, at this rate if you change your aesthetic may continue down stairs. If we add that this was a big disappointment to not win the Grammy and was honored by the NME as the worst album of the year, now some of their fans have left to follow, something that can be seen in Social networks not to mention that experts say their future music in the music are very black.
Now the big question is whether, in the wax museum Madame Tussauds New York wax statue of you have made and cost $ 200 000, will come with the new look or the fringe that gave the child image. So this is the big question: Fans of his music or his physique? 

Something that is putting into question again by music experts. The phenomenon Bieber focuses more public appearances than his music, as well as the huge entourage of followers, who are able to threaten anyone Reche his idol. Because one thing is to follow a singer because I like their music and quite another to continue with their image or their comings and goings as a phenomenon that no juvenile is in any doubt, but also has its dark side of money, what goes up tends to drop quickly to the same extent.
Bieber has lost since he cut his hair, some 80,000 fans on twitter and the number keeps rising. The Canadian share popularity in social networks with Lady Gaga is unbeatable, at this rate if you change your aesthetic may continue down stairs. If we add that this was a big disappointment to not win the Grammy and was honored by the NME as the worst album of the year, now some of their fans have left to follow, something that can be seen in Social networks not to mention that experts say their future music in the music are very black.
Now the big question is whether, in the wax museum Madame Tussauds New York wax statue of you have made and cost $ 200 000, will come with the new look or the fringe that gave the child image. So this is the big question: Fans of his music or his physique?

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