Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Petra Ecclestone prepares her lavish wedding

Petra Ecclestone and prepare the great feast that will follow her wedding. Having paid in cash, a whopping 85 million dollars for a mansion in Holmby Hills (California), the daughter of Bernie Ecclestone, who owns the rights to Formula 1, get married, at 22, with James Stunt businessman in Rome before returning to California to celebrate.

The wedding date is not known but is known to be in late August. A source close to the young millionaire has commented that "It will throw the house out the window. After their wedding in Rome you are planning a memorable party for all guests. The party will be in late September or early October."

"Petra sees this party as a kind of arrival in Hollywood, will be used to introduce the young in society. The festival will be dedicated to James as well but Petra will star in a game that should bring many benefits to social level. " "Paris, Nicky, Rick and Kathy Hilton, the Hilton family is in full, are invited.

Petra has always sought the advice of Paris on how to do things in America. Paris has not hesitated to guide you best. Rick was the one who found his home and Petra seems to rely on advice from the Hilton. " We can only hope that this new celebrity news and provide us with many friends.

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