Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Revelations: How Jennifer Aniston Brad Pitt has thrown out

"The biography of a friend" but not just any friend. Arnon Milchan is the producer of Mr. and Mrs.. Smith, who created the film meeting between the couple now legendary Brad PittAngelina Jolie. It is in the lines of his biography that is entitled to some revelations about the circumstances of sizes of the break between the girl next door of Friends, Jennifer Aniston and Hollywood hunk Brad Pitt.

For months, Jennifer Aniston has struggled against the rumor of flirting between Angelina Jolie and her husband. "She started asking around him but no one has confessed to sticking to Brad, so she asked him point blank. He denied". It cracked while on vacation in the Caribbean in the company of their friends David Arquette and Courteney Cox Arquette as Brad broke down and said he loved Angelina.

Jennifer Aniston was immediately thrown out, unable to keep a second longer with her. The producer of Mr. and Mrs. Smith is especially aware since it is what came home to take refuge Brad Pitt became homeless. Arnon Milchan was the irony of that originally specified, he chose Nicole Kidman in the role of Angelina Jolie.

But the cold beauty had caused no spark with Brad Pitt, which was finally directed to Angelina Jolie.

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