Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Amelie Secret Story: "I met someone"

Guest on the radio the "6 / 9 'NRJ on Tuesday morning, accompanied by Diana, Amelia came to talk about reality TV in which it currently appears:" The Angels of reality TV. " Asked by Nikos Aliagas on his break with Senna, who was terribly upset, the blonde volcano seemed relieved and said to be passed on to other things: "Honestly, I no longer love Senna.

I saw it Saturday and it does anything to me. He makes his way, I do mine, I turned the corner. I met someone. This is someone I already knew. But I'm not going to like Senna and show me in the press. To live happily, live hidden. "Some pretty amazing from the blonde who was rather used to expose his personal life and has never shown much discretion.

For his part, Senna seems quite recovered from her breakup with Amelie and now marries Julie, another participant of "Secret Story" on which he had cracked before crossing the path of Amelia.

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