Saturday, March 26, 2011

Patricia Kaas: "Now I do what I like!"

Patricia Kaas was not idle. No sooner was his last tour she concluded that the singer released his autobiography, The Shadow of me voice, published by Flammarion. For the first time, Patricia Kaas is forthright book about his life and his career. To mark the book's release, the singer, who will be tonight's guest in Lawrence Ruquier We're not lying, gave an interview to our colleagues in TV Magazine.

At 44, Patricia Kaas said that the idea of writing his autobiography he trots head for ten years but there has so far always refused. "A series of events led me eventually," says the singer, adding that "2010 was a pretty crappy year." "The end of the tour Kabaret has been difficult (...), the death of my mother catches me every year ...

And then there was this test result, overwhelming, telling me that I'll never be pregnant "said Patricia Kaas." Writing has been my therapy "In the Shadow of my voice, Patricia Kaas speaks of her as she has ever done - not just in her songs. "The only song I've written is dedicated to my mother and I took twenty years to write," she says before adding: "In this I am a true performer." And performer of "Mademoiselle chante ..." does not regret having engaged in a book, saying it has "no doubt served as therapy" and "understand a lot about me, my lack of insurance, my tendency to drama and solitude, my choices, my family and others.

" This therapeutic aspect of which she speaks, Patricia Kaas feels every day. "Now, I make every effort to live it differently, more positively, be it a song, a love or a small gesture," says the singer. He concluded: "I also decided I had nothing to prove and I am now what I like." Cheers girl power.

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