Saturday, March 5, 2011

Eve Angeli said no to "Square Viiip!

At a time when everyone is wondering about the identity of former TV stars who will participate in Viiip Square, the new reality TV show on TF1, one knows at least one that will not be part of adventure: Eve Angeli. Asked by TVMag. com, the singer, who was part of the cast of The Celebrity Farm in 2004, said he was approached by producers Viiip Square to attend the show.

"They contacted me at the beginning of casting, but we are not agreed," said Eve Angeli our colleagues. "Frankly, it locked me up like, I could not do it," she said. "Celebrities In The Farm, we had a large living space outside," says the singer. "And there, for Viiip Square, they explained to me that this is more like a loft, very confined.

So suddenly, I told them no, but I'll watch!". If Eve Angeli will not be part of the former stars of reality television to mainstream Viiip Square, some rumored that Giuseppe Who wants to marry my son?, François-Xavier from Secret Story and Mickaël Vendetta Farm Celebrities in Africa agreed to play the game info ou intox? Answer March 18 next on TF1 at the launch of Square Viiip!

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